Our failure to monitor and control our politicians is coming home to roost8/3/2025 Comments Stockman Slams "Lockdown Lunacy" - Your Government Ordered Depression Has Arrived
What's coming is not a chicken, it is Nemesis and she will exact a severe punishment for our hubris.
Australia is suffering a serious outbreak of totalitarianism8/3/2025 Comments Millions Locked Down Under Draconian Covid Rules in Australia
ios版shadowsock节点8/3/2025 Comments As Rent Moratorium Expires, Landlord-Tenant Battles Begin
The excessively compassionate will moan that this is violence aimed at the renters, but is it simply landlords attempting to receive fair compensation for the use of their property. If the excessively compassionate want to help solve the problem, perhaps they could build a fund to help renters in dire straits pay their rent. But progressives do not believe in taking responsibility for problems they believe in destroying their opponents. When do landlords realize that there is no money to be had from renting out property, and how quickly will they convert them to condos and sell those properties, drying up the rental market? These rules will mostly destroy the cities, which are the strongholds of the progressives. The next step is for people to leave the cities for greener pastures elsewhere. Nearly every policy the left enacts causes more disruption in these progressive stronghold cities. Never interrupt an opponent when they are committing suicide.
ios版shadowsock节点8/3/2025 Comments Windows 10正式版上手体验:一款接地气的系统_科技_福建 ...:2021-8-2 · 通知中心除了集成常用的设置之外,比如VPN、伟理这种传统Win7、Win8系统相对深层的设置也集成在其中。 全新Edge浏览器 在Windows 10中, 微软大胆 的让老资格的IE浏览器退居二线,转而启用全新的Edge浏览器,这个开发初期曾经被命名为Spartan的浏览器,一经推出便吸引了伡多用户的关注。
Biden was always as sharp as a banana, but his mental decline has made him about as sharp as vanilla pudding, and about as interesting. Watching Biden spend an hour or two wrestling with a handful of simple ideas as if they were the Manhattan Project will put off all but the most rabid anti-Trumpers and progressives. Biden's run for the presidency will end after even one debate, so Lockhart tries to protect Biden by forcing him back into his basement hide. Good luck with that strategery.
ios版shadowsock节点8/3/2025 Comments A Vaccine May Not Be The "Magical Cure" Everyone Anticipates
Sweden has arrived, as has New York. Sweden did it with a fairly small number of deaths, while New York did it with more than 5 x more deaths per capita. Nice work, Cuomo. Perhaps we should begin following the well know science necessary to get to herd immunity and stop allowing our lackluster progressive politicians to drag us down the wrong road?
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The "top" Democrats realize that Biden will lose the election badly and are trying to set up false reasons for new anti-Trump investigations after 20258/3/2025 Comments Trump Plans ‘Emergency’ to Stay in Office, Top Democrat Says
The causation is likely wrong here; progressivism might attract the mentally ill, it probably does not cause mental illness8/2/2025 Comments Is Leftism an Actual Clinical Psychosis?
But it is a question that needs to be evaluated.
The lack of leadership in Portlandia is appalling8/2/2025 Comments Portland suffers most killings in three decades
Murders, riots, violent crime, arson, the lack of leadership at the political level from the local and state politicians is the root cause of all of these problems. We need to demand more of our government this November but kicking out these deadbeats.
ios版shadowsock节点touch vpn Comments Animated chart of the day: Public school enrollment, staff, and inflation-adjusted cost per pupil, 1970 to 2017 | American Enterprise Institute - AEI
"The animated “bar chart race” visualization above is an updated version of this visualization from a year ago and shows the growth over nearly the last 50 years in: a) the number of students enrolled in public schools (K-12), b) the number of public school teachers, c) the number of non-teaching public school staff (administrators, principals, assistant principals, support staff, librarians, guidance counselors, and instructional aides), and d) the inflation-adjusted cost of public school education per pupil, all from 1970 to 2017. All of the figures shown in the animated chart are the percent of 1970 values. Here are some observations: 1. Between 1970 and 1999 public school enrollment increased by only 2.5%. And yet during that same 30-year period the number of non-teaching public shool staff doubled as did the real cost per public school student. 2. Over the entire 1970-2017 (most recent year available) period, the increase in the number of students attending US public schools increased only 10.4% from 45.9 million to 50.7 million. From 1970 to the mid-1980s, public school enrollment decreased by nearly 6.5 million students (and by 14%) before rebounding by 1997 to the 1970 level of about 46 million students and then increasing steadily to more than 50 million by 2013. 3. In comparison, the number of public school teachers increased by 57.2% between 1970 and 2017 from about 2 million to 3.17 million, which reduced the pupil-to-teacher ratio by 30%, from almost 23-to-1 in 1970 to below 16-to-1 in 2017. 4. Over the same period, the number of non-teaching staff at public schools more than doubled, increasing by 151% from 1.34 million in 1970 to 3.375 million in 2017. Interestingly, while the number of public school teachers was flat between 1996 and 2016, the number of non-teaching staff continued to grow and by 2015 there were more non-teaching staff than teachers for the first time and that gap grew even larger in 2017 (see chart below). 5. As a direct result of public school staff (both teachers and non-teachers) growing so much greater (57% and 157% respectively) than the increase in public school students (10.4%) between 1970 and 2017, the inflation-adjusted cost of educating a student in US public schools increased by 154% between 1970 and 2017, from $5,037 to $12,794. 5. With the 150% inflation-adjusted increase in spending per public school pupil and the 30% reduction in the pupil-to-teacher since 1970, have there been any demonstrable educational improvements in student test scores? Unfortunately, No. While not shown in the animated chart above, this Department of Education report found that “Average reading and mathematics achievement for 17-year-olds did not change significantly between the early 1970s and 2012 or between 2008 and 2012.” (Although the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) achievement results are for students in both private and public schools, private school enrollment represents less than 9% of students in grades 9-12.) For example, the NAEP average reading score of 285 in 1971 was not significantly different from the 287 average score in 2015. Likewise, the 304 average score for the NAEP math assessment in 1971 was not significantly different from the 306 average score in 2015. Bottom Line: Despite the significant increase between 1970 and 2017 in the number of public school teachers (57%) and non-teaching staff (151%) relative to the 10.4% increase in students, the significant 30% decrease in the pupil-to-teacher ratio in public schools and the significant 154% increase in inflation-adjusted spending per pupil attending public schools over that period, there was basically no change in academic achievement. More spending + more teachers + more administrators + no change in education outcomes = a failing public school monopoly that benefits entrenched unionized teachers who vigorously try to squash competition from charter schools and educational choice at the expense of taxpayers, parents, and students."
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東北網2021年07月30日新聞匯總:4.3寸大面子 HTC Touch HD2只要3199元 2021-07-30 12:31 [714][東北網手機] S60觸控街機又降價 諾基亞5800XM僅售1490元 2021-07-30 12:31 [715][東北網手機] 娛樂手柄個性手機 諾基亞7710僅售599元 2021-07-30 12:31 [716][金融頻道] 霸王防脫洗發液8/2/2025 Comments The New Economy
What we see in this alleged new economy is a form of corruption created at the end of the progressive socio-economic/political model. The transactions The Zman discusses are nothing more than a corruption of a real economy, or perhaps more accurately a cargo cult of a real economy. Tesla creates little of value, but the transactions it creates create pseudo value for others. This is a cargo cult of a real economy. Non-innovative changes are treated as real changes in this economy, just as the South Pacific cargo cultists treated coconut shells as real radio headsets. They were not, of course, but in the cargo cult, the requirement is that something looks correct, not that it performs. All of these problems combine in the progressive model with the myriad other problems, whether they be political, educational, business, or something else entirely to create the need for real change, not cargo cult change. We can see the problem, but we cannot seem to understand it. So, the Democrats can continue to serve up cargo cult change as if it were real, as can the progressive Republicans. The rest of us are stymied by our lack of power, and so, the coming election has greater than usual import. Will we make the necessary changes in this election cycle? I don't know. The forces of totalitarianism are organized and continue to march apace. The forces of liberty are always scattered and disorganized. This is the reason the forces of totalitarianism can build a powerful organization and why they so often come shockingly close to successfully destroying their enemies. Now is the time to fight. The alternative is to accept nihilism and death. Choose wisely this November.
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